Hello all!
Well, we have unpacked all of the winter clothes, waited for the ruby slippers and celebrated Christmas with all of the kids and now we are off to our new adventure.
We left a week after we got home and headed for Las Vegas...we got to spend three days with Dan, Jenna and Ally. Steve even got to go see Dr. Thomas (Ally's physician) while Carol took Dan to get some glasses (no more monicles for Dan!) We also got to see Harris and Sallie (Carol's cousins from Oklahoma) and catch up with what is happening in Oklahoma! It was so nice to see them and to find out that EVERYONE is reading the blog!! We had plenty of time to spoil Ally (she is getting so big and loves BLING...especially Grandma's earrings!)
We headed up on the 23rd of December and drove to Los Angeles to spend a few days with Shawna, Gabino, Bill (Shawna's Pop Pop) and Isabella and Erin, Ryan and Vara. It was so nice to spend the holidays with our family and made it even more special that we were able to see most of the grandkids (Niko was in Chicago and Alyssa was in Tracy). It appears that Dora the Explorer was THE TOY to get this Christmas and none of the kids were left out!!!
We got home the day after Christmas after driving through the night. I drove Erin's car to her house while Steve followed me in our Subaru and yes, I'll admit it...I started seeing double about the time we hit Elk Grove!!! We dropped Erin's car off in Folsom and headed back to Pollock Pines. We got home, dumped everything in the front room and bedded down for a short nap. Needless to say we were tired and we brought home more than Christmas cheer, within 24 hours we were both sick with the flu...Gotta love the grandkids...

We watched the tree fall and it was truly amazing... within two seconds the tree cracked in two and the top of the tree landed on our fence. Thank goodness it came our way instead of landing on our neighbor's house. Steve thinks it could be "a sign" that we are not supposed to have a fence. For those of you in Gold Ridge, you will get the irony...
We have packed the bags, made an how-to video for our Australian friends and are ready to leave for Australia. We are really excited about this trip. Carol has never been to Australia and Steve will be acting as tour guide for some of the trip. We hope you enjoy the journey. As always your comments, thoughts and suggestions are always appreciated and we hope you enjoy our trip to the land down under!
Until our next post, we remain
Carol and Steve
Adventurers at large...